Sunday, July 30, 2006

People in a House

During lunch, I had a lot of time on my hands. So, I would get out some paper and come up with all sorts of funny and silly things. I showed it to some friends, and they thought the stuff I made was funny, so I continued making more. Now I've decided to put this stuff on my blog, along with some background info as to how I got my ideas.

This one is called "People in a house", kind of like "Snakes on a plane". I was just sitting at lunch one day thinking about snakes on a plane, and decided to make a sort of parody. This is a poster for "People in a house" along with some "reviews" from some familiar people. Click on the picture to enlarge it, and then again to bring it into focus.

Reviews of "People In a House"
-"Its as if Satan himself rose from the depths of Hell and directed this movie" - NY Times

-"I've lost my faith in humanity" - God

-"I've seen porn movies with deeper plots than this. Man I'm lonely...." - Conan O' Brian

-"Watching this movie was like looking into the mind of a retarted person" - Chicago Tribune

- "Trashier than Britney Spears" - MTV

-"If God had his way, everyone involved in this movie would die a horrible death" -

-"Towards the middle of the movie I had diahrrea and was allowed to leave. I had never been so happy to get diahrrea" - Roger Ebert


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